Gifts/Pledges - Totals By Category
The "Totals By Gift Category" screen shows totals for each Gift Category (Fund) for the current year. Change the year to see previous giving totals or future pledge totals. <Click> a Gift Category to see detail totals by Giving Unit.
The "Gift Category Totals By Giving Unit" screen shows detail totals for the year for each of the giving units who donated or pledged to the Gift Category (Fund) selected on the "Totals By Gift Category" screen. <Click> a Giving Unit to see each detail gift given by the Giving Unit for the selected Gift Category.
The "Giving Detail Vs. Pledge" screen shows the total giving for the year, the total pledge made for the year and each detail gift made by the selected Giving Unit for the selected Gift Category.
The "xxxxx Pledge vs. Actual By Month For: yyyyy" screen shows totals by month of amounts pledged vs. amounts actually given by the Giving Unit for the selected Gift Category (i.e., xxxxxxxxxx) during the pledge period.
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