My Info/General Info - My Calendar
The "Personal Calendar For: xxxxx" screen shows a month-at-a-glance view of the calendar for the selected User-ID. If the Exclude Church Events box is checked, you'll only see the personal events scheduled for the person.
The "Personal Calendar For: xxxxx, includes Organizational Events" screen shows a month-at-a-glance view of the calendar for the selected User-ID including all of the organization's scheduled events prefixed with an asterisk, since the Exclude Church Events box is not checked.
Use the "Select A User-ID" screen to see the personal calendar of another user (if you have additional security to see it).
The "Update A Day's Events" screen is used to set up a calendar event for a User-ID. Use the Recurring? check box if you want this event to repeat and tailor the other information for the recurrence.
The "Calendar For: Month, YYYY For: xxxxx" report shows the person's calendar on one sheet of paper.
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My Calendar